Terms of Service

Virtual Dance Coach (referred to as VDC) offers subscription-based access to a platform designed to enhance your dance experience. Our services include a comprehensive library of dance techniques, tools for creating and validating choreography, interactive quizzes to test your knowledge, and more. These terms of service apply to all subscription levels and services provided by VDC.


The content and price of VDC’s services are detailed on the VDC pricing page and are based on the subscription level selected by the Subscriber at the time of subscription.

The Subscriber is required to notify VDC of any circumstances that may affect the performance of the service.

VDC is responsible for providing its services accurately, effectively, and in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of the subscription.

  1. PRICE

The price of VDC’s services is based on the subscription level selected by the Subscriber, as detailed on the VDC pricing page.

VDC reserves the right to amend the subscription prices by notifying the Subscriber 30 days before the new prices take effect.

If VDC provides additional services upon the request or approval of the Subscriber that are not covered by the initial subscription, VDC has the right to charge for these additional services in accordance with its price list.


Subscription fees are billed in advance at the beginning of each subscription period, either monthly or annually, depending on the subscription plan selected by the Subscriber. Payment is processed automatically via the credit card provided by the Subscriber.

The subscription fee includes any applicable value-added tax (VAT).

VDC reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to the services if the payment is declined or if the Subscriber's account is otherwise not in good standing.


VDC keeps all information related to the Subscriber unconditionally confidential and shall not use such information for purposes other than the performance of the services. For more details on how we handle personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


VDC strives to provide high-quality and accurate services. However, VDC does not guarantee that the services will be error-free or uninterrupted. The Subscriber acknowledges that the use of VDC's services is at their own risk.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, VDC’s liability for any claims arising out of or related to the services shall be limited to the amount the Subscriber paid for the services in the subscription period during which the claim arose. VDC shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, data, or business opportunities, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.


Neither VDC nor the Subscriber shall be held liable for any failure to perform their obligations if such failure is caused by force majeure circumstances that could not be prevented or foreseen. The party hindered from performing its obligations shall inform the other party of such hindrance without undue delay and shall resume performance of its obligations immediately once the force majeure circumstances cease to exist.


These terms of service shall be binding for VDC and the Subscriber until both parties have performed their obligations related to their contractual relationship, apart from Sections 4, 5, and 9, which shall continue in force perpetually.

The Subscriber has the right to terminate the subscription without a termination period. The service will terminate at the end of the current subscription period following the notice of termination.

If the Subscriber terminates the service before the end of the current subscription period, VDC shall not refund any prepaid fees.

Both VDC and the Subscriber are entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect should the other party substantially violate its contractual obligations and fail to rectify the violation within a reasonable time after receiving written notice. The notice shall be sent by mail or email.


The agreement between VDC and the Subscriber cannot be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the other party, except in the case of a sale, merger, or acquisition of VDC, in which event the agreement and all rights and obligations may be transferred to the successor entity without consent.


Any disagreements related to the services shall be settled by amicable negotiations. If the parties do not manage to settle any disagreement, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to the services, or the breach, termination, or validity of the agreement between VDC and the Subscriber through amicable negotiations, such disputes shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the consumer arbitration rules applicable in the United Kingdom. The seat of arbitration shall be London, and the language of the arbitration shall be English.

The relationship between VDC and the Subscriber shall be governed by the laws of England.